New Series: Africa and the Environment

As some readers may know, I was recently in Oslo for the 14th colloquium of the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law. The theme of the colloquium was “The Environment in Court”, and it was a great opportunity to present my paper on the African Court’s and African Commission’s approach to peoples’ rights, attend many fascinating presentations on the current state of environmental law and talk about the African Court and African human rights system as a whole.

As I attended presentations and discussed issues surrounding environmental law, I couldn’t help but think how many issues relate directly to Africa,  but what often seemed to be missing was analysis and debate on the role that Africa can play in determining the future of environmental law and protection. With this in mind, I am excited to announce a new series at The ACtHPR Monitor, entitled “Africa and the Environment”.

Africa and the Environment

This occasional series will bring together a number of exciting guest posts analyzing  environmental protection in Africa and how past cases and practices within the African human rights system and beyond can help create a positive future for environmental law and protection in Africa.

If you are interested in contributing to this series, please get in touch with us via or through twitter @acthpr_monitor